What's New

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Send invoices from your own domain using custom STMP Settings

You can now send email from your own domain using your STMP server. To set your SMTP settings, click on Settings->Company Profile. Enter in your SMTP username, password, port and server address.

After you click save a test email will be sent to your company email address from your company email address to confirm the settings are correct.

Add Clients without an Email Address

You can now add clients without an email address if you don't wish to automatically send them a copy of invoices created with TaskBill.io

Two Factor Authentication is Now Available

Two Factor Authentication is Now Available, it can be enabled by clicking on your avatar in the top right hand corner and selecting Password from the menu. Next, click enable in the Two Factor Authentication section and follow the instructions to enable two factor authentication on your account.

Multiple Tax Rates

You can now setup and use multiple tax rates on your invoices. Find out more here: https://help.taskbill.io/article/29-setting-tax-rates

Custom Roles and Permissions

You can now create your own roles and assign fine grained permissions to these roles. You can create/edit/remove the roles in your account by clicking on Settings then click Manage Roles. You will see the default roles which you can now edit and have greater control over what each role has access to.

Restricting Team Members to Selected Projects

You can now limit a team member to just be able to access projects that you select from a list. You first need to edit the Team Member by clicking on Manage Team, then click Edit next to the Team Member. By default, every team member can see every project. To limit access, click Restrict Project Access, then select the projects they can access. When adding or editing projects, you will be able to select which restricted team members should be able to access the project.

Team Member Billable Rates

You can now set billable rates for each member on your team. You can then set your projects to use team member billable rates instead of a project or task rate.

Team Member Internal Rates

You can now track the cost of every task by setting the internal cost rate of each team member.


You can now round your time log entires. To turn on rounding, go to settings->company profile. You can then set your rounding rules, you can round up, round down, or round to the nearest value in increments of 1,6,10,12,15,30 minutes, 1 hour and 4 hours.

PayPal Support

You can now connect your PayPal account to your TaskBill.io account to allow your client to pay invoices via PayPal. To enable this feature go to Settings->Connected Accounts and enter in your PayPal client id and secret. You can create a client id and secret from https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications. Make sure you create a Live key.

Support for Monday.com

You can now sync your Monday.com boards/tasks by entering your API key in Settings->Connected Accounts. Tasks are synced in near real time using web hooks and install our chrome extension to be able to easily start and stop timers from within monday.com

Support for Syncing with Trello

You can now sync your Trello cards and checklists with your TaskBill projects.

Add Tasks from TaskBill.io

You can now add new tasks directly from a project within TaskBill. With asana projects, you can add top level, and sub tasks. Simply click the Add Task button from the main task list. To add a subtask, click on task, then click the add sub task tab.

Complete Tasks from TaskBill

You can now complete your tasks without leaving TaskBill, click the Mark as Complete button and your task will be automatically marked as completed at Asana or Basecamp.


Welcome to TaskBill.io, we hope you enjoy using TaskBill.io. If you have any feedback on our service or need help, please feel free to send us an email at support@taskbill.io
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